
Reviews for Cabman (#785)

Review by dandyboy on 29 Nov 2013 (Rating: 3)

Level 9 is soooo difficult you would´t believe it !!

Still a fine game ...

2,5 / 5 .

Review by The Dean of Games on 29 Nov 2013 (Rating: 2)

1983 Micro Power (UK)
by Alan Butcher

This is probably the third or forth cabgame I've played so far on the Speccy, and they all look alike, playable, even enjoyable, but very simple and soon boring, so I agree with user Boom Boom. There is a gap.

The same happened with train games, for awhile all looked alike and were pretty basic. But soon started to appear new ideas, more and more sophisticated, ending up with the wonderful Southern Belle and later Evening Star which is a heck of a good train simulator. Cab's and Taxis on the other hand didn't get that lucky. So why wont someone take the hint and give us a decent cab game?

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 29 Nov 2013 (Rating: 1)

Wasn't Crazy Taxi a great game? Wouldn't it be great if their was a spectrum equivalent? Well as far as I'm aware there isn't. What we have here is an uninspiring maze game with some very basic graphics.