
Reviews for Final Fight (#9344)

Review by Raphie on 04 Jan 2013 (Rating: 2)

It's the classic Capcom arcade beat 'em up on the ZX Spectrum...and my gosh what a total mess! The gameplay is terribly slow and is thus largely unenjoyable, there is no way you can compared this to Target: Renegade.

The graphics I suppose aren't terrible and the sprites are what they are and are actually decently modelled onto the Spectrum (which saves this from getting a 1 rating) but the gameplay is the major letdown here, it's near impossible to like this version and before long you'll realise that there are a lot of better beat 'em ups than Final Fight...which is criminal.

Final Fight is an all-time classic, on the Speccy though the only thing memorable is how poorly ported it was. Shame on you US Gold!

Review by Jordy on 03 May 2015 (Rating: 2)

I was very disappointed with Final Fight on the Spectrum but then again I shouldn't have been so surprised as a number of Capcom games were really bad and this happened to follow that trend. It's very slow and choppy, plays at a horrible frame rate, not very enjoyable at all. I personally think there was too much detail in this game that caused it to play slow. Fighting games with less detail play smoother, faster and more of all, better, much better. I love Final Fight but the Spectrum port doesn't do it for me, perhaps it's one conversion it could have done without.

Review by ste72 on 22 Feb 2019 (Rating: 1)

One the main reasons I eventually stopped buying Speccy games. Final Fight is a wonderful arcade game and is still easily one of my favourites, so I couldn't wait to play it on the Spectrum and it was awful beyond words.

The graphics are dreadful and the gameplay is slow, choppy, jerky and sloppy. I was so gutted with this. With this, I knew the Speccy scene was dying. So much time and attention was put on the 16-bit systems and 8-bit games were becoming half-assed and lifeless because companies didn’t care for it anymore, Final Fight is a good example of that.

I think I only bought two more games after Final Fight before my departure from the Speccy scene and moved onto the Super Nintendo.