
Reviews for Clever & Smart (#987)

Review by dandyboy on 23 Mar 2012 (Rating: 3)

Clever and Smart is the anglosaxon version of the most popular Spanish cartoon ever : Mortadelo y Filemón by Paco Ibáñez .

Mortadelo "Clever" dresses in black , has a large nose and a gift for camouflage and the art of disguise ... Filemón "Smart" is his superior and he has an egg-shaped face with only two hairs on the top of it . They work together as a combo of special agents for the T.I.A. -a Spanish parody of the C.I.A. - TIA meaning literaly "aunt" in Spanish ... but they always seem to mess it all up wherever they go . Their silliness and clumsiness always get them into trouble making them live bizarre and very funny situations .

The graphics are cool and the characters are funny and cartoonish but the gameplay is rather repetitive and boring after a while . The game can be confusing since there is no clear view of the whole and no clear goals .

A good presentation for a mediocre game ... 5´5 / 10 .

Magic Bytes almost spoil a suculent licence . This should have been much better . This should have been a superproduction .

Review by The Dean of Games on 01 Nov 2019 (Rating: 4)

1988 Magic Bytes (Germany)
by Volker Marohn, Olaf Marohn, Holger Ahrens, Udo Graf and Abdul

I'm not sure what to think about this game made by a team of German developers. The game is based upon the characters of Spanish comics creator Francisco Ibanez. Graphically, besides the sewer sprites which are well made and faithful to the original characters, I can say it's good enough, could be better, but due to the size of the sprites they serve their purpose. Game wise, well, what comes into my mind immediately is... what a mess!

But after patiently reading the extensive Spanish instructions and giving a bit of time to play the game properly, I found out the game is in fact quite interesting. There is a few rage of options to chose from and actions to perform, which make it a bit complex, not too much, just enough to make you interested. So in the end I changed my mind and I find the game above average.