Sun Bucket
Release Date  2014
Original Publisher  Stonechat Productions (UK)
Min. Hardware  ZX-Spectrum 48K
Language  English
Genre  Arcade Game: Platform
Max. Players  1
Authored with  NIRVANA ENGINE
Features  Multicolour (Rainbow Graphics)
Copyright Status  Freeware (free but copyrighted)
Average mag. score  84.00% (1 reviews)

     Dave Hughes (UK) - Code, Game Design/Concept, In-game Graphics, Load Screen
     Lee Prince (UK) - Music

     Full version inZX-Spectrum Vega(2015/Apr/24)by Retro Computers Ltd (UK)- titled "SunBucket"

Main File Downloads
SunBucket_v0.tap.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(???)
SunBucket_v0.tzx.zipOriginalZX-Spectrum 48K(???)
 SunBucket(Pentagon).trd.zipOriginalPentagon 128(???) - Pentagon version

Additional File Downloads
     0030108-load-1.scr6,912OriginalLoading screen
     0030108-run-1.ifl9,216OriginalRunning screen
     SunBucket_Map.png211,525OriginalGame map
     SunBucket_SourceCode.zip33,316OriginalSource code
     sunbucket.rzx0OriginalRZX playback file - Recorded by Albert Valls (with rollback)
     Sun Bucket (2014)(Stonechat Productions).pok77OriginalPOK pokes file

Magazine Reviews
     Crashissue v.2-2018 special "Annual 2018"page 11- Review: 84%

     MobyGames(Information - in English)
     Modern ZX-Retro Gaming(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive(Information - in English)
     RZX Archive - YouTube(Information - in English)
     Speccy Screenshot Maps(Information - in English)
     The Spectrum Show - Youtube(Information - in English)
     The Tipshop(Information - in English)
     ZX Spectrum Reviews(Magazine Reviews)
     Spectrum 2.0(User Reviews)
     The TZX Vault(Software Preservation)
     ZX-Art(Spectrum Graphics)
     ZXInfo(ZXDB Front End)
     Every Game Going(Multi-Platform Archive)
     World Of Spectrum Classic(Spectrum Archive)
     Spectrum Computing(MAIN VIEW)