
Reviews for Earth Shaker (#1563)

Review by p13z on 28 Oct 2013 (Rating: 5)

A great Boulderdash style game.
All that you might want from a Boulderdash clone, and a few additions. As well as the obligatory soil, boulders and gems, you get fire, bubbles, forcefields, anti-gravity and teleporting to play with. The conveniently passworded levels are well laid out, and become increasingly fiendish as the game progresses.
Graphics are very nicely done, and the audio is notably good for a 48k game.
This is a joy to play, and seen much use on my old Spectrum.

Review by dandyboy on 28 Oct 2013 (Rating: 4)

Good but not excellent !

4,5 / 5 .

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 17 Aug 2016 (Rating: 4)

A decent Boulderdash clone that hurts my eyes!

Review by Xoperatr on 30 Dec 2020 (Rating: 4)

We were talking about the Boulder Dash but here we have a great follower / copycat.
Beware that it can also be responsible for taking off many hours of work or sleep!

As if that were not enough, the creator's last name is Batty (!).

Review by manu on 04 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

Very funny, more in fact that Boulder Dash for many but I miss the equivalent of the Amoeba (flames are the closest but yet too far from being so cool)

Review by YOR on 11 Jun 2022 (Rating: 4)

It's Boulder Dash again and this was the free game I mentioned in my previous review Down to Earth, and I can't believe I haven't reviewed this one yet! I mentioned it assuming I had already covered it, turns out I hadn't, oh well let's do it now then. I stated that this was a better Boulder Dash clone compared to Down to Earth and indeed I was correct. It simply looks better and plays better and has the classic simple gameplay of collecting diamonds in order to complete the level. I get Down to Earth was trying to be different with destroying enemies to clear the level and that has to be commended, but it simply did not work so well whereas this does. So simply put, this is a really good Boulder Dash clone, and I feel it should be noted that the game's author Michael Batty also wrote a very playable Tetris clone called Spectris, but then he also gave us Full Throttle 2, no thank you. But ignore that and play this instead, because it's really good and very favourable to Boulder Dash, maybe even better as it turns out. And yes I haven't done the Boulder Dash games but in this case I know I haven't done them because I have four of them to go through, but I really thought I had done this and it turned out I hadn't, but it's done now and so I sleep happily tonight.