
Reviews for Android Two (#192)

Review by Matt_B on 19 Feb 2009 (Rating: 3)

Unsurprisingly, given the title, this is the follow up to Android One. Where the earlier game was a fairly simple affair, this is much bigger, harder and more attractively presented.

You have to hunt down five worm-like Millitoids in a giant multi-screen scrolling maze within a strict time limit. There's a fairly decent, at least considering when it was written, 3D effect, although again everything moves in exact character squares. The game itself is straight blasting action, although there are some mines that can occasionally be hidden by the 3D effect to avoid that will keep you on your toes.

Overall, it's held up much better than its predecessor, and with much more depth remains worth a look. However, the learning curve is pretty steep and you'll require lightning reactions to get very far with it.

Review by Stack on 19 Feb 2009 (Rating: 4)

The claustrophobic maze, pace and precision required make for a difficult atmospheric game. The panic inducing Militoids are amongst the most evil villains of any Spectrum game.
I had to relearn this game to participate in the 2008 Speccy Tour competition and had a eureka moment when I cracked the techniques required to despatch the grim beasts.
Android 2 is ultimately much more rewarding than many easier games.

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 16 Jun 2011 (Rating: 2)

One of the most overrated Spectrum games ever in my opinion. Basically a maze game with odd, extremely stylized graphics, Android Two is a game where you have to run through a maze shooting giant worms in the head, avoiding some droids which can be shot and some other which can't, and caring not to step on one of the countless mines lying around.

If that's your idea of fun, fine. Me, I won't touch this any more in my life after playing it for Speccy Tour 2009.

Review by dandyboy on 26 Jan 2015 (Rating: 2)

Diabolical maze game with no real sense of progression . . . a test to the nerves ! !

2,4 out of 5 .

Review by The Dean of Games on 14 Oct 2020 (Rating: 4)

1983 Vortex Software (UK)
by Costa Panayi

An improvement over it's predecessor, with a better plot and a new perpendicular 3D view.
This time the controls are better chosen and no rotating option, which enhances the game tremendously and makes it very playable, even thou it's as hard, if not harder than the first. To anyone who played Cyclone or Tornado Low Level, the graphics are immediately recognizable, the trees, the mazes all make their appearance in the 3 games.

There are four areas where Android Two must go in order to eliminate his adversaries. The game starts with the Maze of Death, which is a very hard maze to negotiate, then moves on to 3 more mazes, similar in looks and apparently even harder. After killing all the Militoids, the snake looking creepies he has to return to the initial transporter in order to move on to the next maze. This can be quite tricky because the transporter is just a white column similar to so many others placed around the mazes.
Overall one of the best games of 1983, almost spoiled by it's difficulty, strangely it retains an addictive quality exactly due to it's difficulty. Thankfully Costa was on the verge of making some of the best games ever published on a Spectrum.

Review by Xoperatr on 25 Oct 2020 (Rating: 3)

This instead is a more polished game and above all detailed.
You know, you start to see quality
Cyclone and TLL aren't so far now :)

Review by toxic on 27 Oct 2020 (Rating: 4)

This game from Vortex is another different thing.With the sequel for Android, Costa Panayi starts to show us what he is able

Review by manu on 01 Nov 2020 (Rating: 3)

This new iteration of Android left the mark much higher. Ready to scale to TLL

Review by Alemâo on 03 Nov 2020 (Rating: 4)

Android 2 -or Two- (Archaic ancestor of
TLL and Cyclone) is good to show us the 3D maze concept that they had in the past. Beyond the comparisons and the cruel jokes, it is very successful given the limitation (and how little progress was made at that time in the knowledge of the machine)

With scroll ala Skool Daze.

This game may remind you of Ant attack as well. Another immortal jewel..

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 13 Apr 2021 (Rating: 4)

Another great work by Costa Panayi (and he coded a many!) released in 1983. The 2D concept of Android One taken to 3D.

This sequel takes place in three zones, the first two are deadly labyrinths and the last one in the open air. They all were designed with a sort of 3D perspective.

You must kill the five millitoids, a sort of worms that randomly move around the labyrinth. There are also other enemies to avoid and dangerous mines that will make you lose a life. Once you reach your objetive, you'll be teleported to the next level.

A very hard game with very simple graphics that won't avoid you enjoying this technical marvel of the early years of the Spectrum.