
Reviews for Nebulus (#3377)

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 14 Feb 2009 (Rating: 5)

2009 review:

Definitely inferior to the C64 version, but still one of the most clever, original and playable platform games ever.

2017 review:

Potentially my favourite game of the year, a creative platformer in which you jump around 8 towers
through a rotating scrolling, trying to reach the top. Unluckily, the C64 version is better - with colourful graphics in high definition (no blockiness) and bonus levels.
Spectrum, what a crappy home computer.

Review by Fandabidozi on 29 Aug 2013 (Rating: 5)

More puzzler than platformer, Nebulus always has you coming back for one more try. Addictive and fun to play with friends, Nebulus has aged gracefully. Just this once I will concede the C64 version is slightly better, and available on the Wii virtual console(!)

Review by dandyboy on 29 Aug 2013 (Rating: 3)

Cool stuff , but nothing out of this world !!

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 11 Nov 2013 (Rating: 3)

Quite a novel game this as you try to make it to the top of a tower. The tower rotates as you move and makes my eyes go a bit funny. The game features one of my pet peeves - a time limit. This makes a tough game even harder and makes me less inclined to return for another attempt.
Without the timer I would have given this a 4 but the strict time limit sucks most of the fun out of the game.

Review by The Dean of Games on 12 Nov 2013 (Rating: 4)

1987 Hewson Consultants (UK)
by John Phillips

Called Tower Toppler on the PC version, this is a beautifully designed game, with excellent programming skills by one the best programmers on the Spectrum, although not the most prolific.
It's not an easy game. And dare I say, if you cant handle pressure, stay away from this little pearl at all costs!

Thus I have to agree with Rebelstar Without a Cause, not so much because of the time limit, but more about the game's demanding skills. It's no fun to lose hours on just one game, in order to get past the first level! And then again come face to face to an array of even harder levels... It discourages maybe around 80% of all gamers, I venture to say.

Thankfully there are great skilled gamers out there who can handle this nasty beast without any fear. I'm not one of them. So here goes 4,5 points.

Review by Jordy on 06 Nov 2014 (Rating: 2)

I should have taken The Dean of Games' advice before I looked at this game, this is way too tough for my liking and thus I can't enjoy it at all.