
Reviews for Back to Skool (#362)

Review by p13z on 18 Sep 2011 (Rating: 5)

This game is the sequel to the excellent arcade adventure, 'Skool Daze'.
It has a lot to live up to, and it doesn't disappoint, being 'bigger and better' in most respects. Set mainly in the hero, Eric's, school again, you embark upon the convoluted quest to return your forged school report to the school safe. The game is easy to get started, but very involving as you progress further in. The settings to explore in the game are detailed, and just perfect to spark the imagination. A little microcosm inhabited by comic characters.
One of the finest games for the spectrum.

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 25 Jul 2013 (Rating: 5)

This is very similar to Skool Daze except this time there's a girl's school next door for you to cause havoc in. It's just as enjoyable as Skool Daze and releasing mice in the girl's school is always good fun.

Review by The Dean of Games on 25 Jul 2013 (Rating: 5)

1985 Microsphere (UK)
by David Reidy and Keith Warrington

If Skool Daze left everybody wowed, Back to Skool left some players in the same state of euphoria some girls had when the Beatles came on stage.
At first it may seem more of the same, and it's a sequel alright, but by no means an "Yesterday's" game (didn't like the pun? Oh, well).

Eric has moved on to the bigger school (You kids study and stay away from drugs, I mean it!). He has now access to the girls next door school (See? Studying pays off!). Responsibilities are now bigger, Eric has more on his hands than ever before, which means there's more funny moments than ever, and some very well thought out and imaginative. He interacts with the same known characters and a new cast, including girls, girls, girls.
If Skool Daze was a fave, than BTS seems a gift from the Gods to fans.
Possibly the best game ever for the Speccy.

Review by dandyboy on 25 Jul 2013 (Rating: 5)

Brilliant ! But not as brilliant as Skool Daze ...

Review by YOR on 22 Oct 2017 (Rating: 5)

Loved this game when I had it 30 years ago and it's still just as enjoyable today. Absolutely wonderful. If there was ever a game that deserved to exceed 5/5, it's this game.

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 11 Jun 2019 (Rating: 4)

Eric is back again in this funny sequel to the excellent Skool Daze.

This time with a school for girls down the road and new characters like Hayley or miss Take. And the classics Boy Wander, Angelface, Einstein, Mr. Creak...

Once you stole your school report in Skool Daze, you've been forging a 'new' report during the holidays so your mission in this new school year is get it back to the Headmaster's safe.

Stink bombs, water pistols, riding a bike, even kissing your girlfriend are the new cool features in this game, what make up for the obvious lack of originality.

To sum up, if you loved Skool Daze, you'll love Back to Skool as well.

Review by Xoperatr on 07 Jan 2021 (Rating: 5)

I took the trouble to write a [new] Skool Daze`s review.
...when I discovered to my amazement that I had already done so. Unforgivable mistake forgetting such a masterpiece (the game and my review, he he he).
In Back to Skool you recall all those ingenious adventures. But with the presence of Erik's girlfriend.

the school is different, and next to it there is another one of girls.

It's also mind-blowing fun with new gags and details

And what else can be said? It is like the proper Skool Daze but renewed but without grotesque deterioration as happens with too many second parts

Review by ALIEN_8 on 16 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

I have always considered Skool Daze to be one of the very few games to be able to be compared in a not too disadvantage way with the game you'll already know is my favorite.

I like that you remember it and its second part. An excellent second part as you hinted, to the point to be slightly more funny and varied than the first installment.
I also want to remember that this graphics engine (as it is said now) used by these two, was used once again in a detective game. Such is the flexibility of it despite its simplicity.
So here we have an extremely successful, flexible and transportable product for other requirements. And the graphics just as good. A real gift

Review by manu on 24 Jan 2021 (Rating: 5)

I have to find a way to get the modified report back to its safe. If I want to successfully reach the next academic year, of course. Otherwise, I can always have fun running away from classes and doing all kinds of mischief

One of the most sympathetic and fun titles by far. Also one of the best second parts!