
Reviews for Saboteur II (#4295)

Review by Alessandro Grussu on 15 Sep 2011 (Rating: 5)

A superb sequel to a good game, Saboteur II manages to keep the key gameplay elements which made the first chapter so successful while expanding the formula to a larger, more complex and overall more satisfying experience. As a female ninja your task is once again to defeat the dictator, this time by infiltrating his huge fortess and sabotaging his missile, then escaping on board of a motorbike. Android guards and vicious pumas will try to stop you, but you will also need to care not to fall from great heights, which will have a severe impact on your energy levels. Nine missions of increasing difficulty largely enhance the game's length and replayability.

A proper example of how to do a game sequel, Saboteur II is nonetheless a great title in itself. The only niggle is that it is somewhat slower than the first game - not to the point of being unplayable of course, but if you played Saboteur you will notice it. Alex Rider did an accelerated version for both 48K and 128K Spectrums, which you can download from my website, featuring Oleg Origin's excellent new loading screen and speeded-up with my own SetoLOAD turbo loading scheme. 5/5

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 16 Aug 2013 (Rating: 5)

More of the same only bigger. Actually, that's not quite true. The guards from the original have been replaced by androids and the dogs by pumas. The androids are a lot tougher than the guards were and it's almost never worth fighting them. Perhaps that's the point, you should be sneaking around avoiding all confrontation unless absolutely necessary. It can be extremely frustrating though if you get cornered by an android and a puma. You can easily lose all your energy, particularly if the android's carrying a flame thrower. It's a worthy sequel and it's a lot of fun exploring the huge complex. This time you hang glide in and escape on a motorbike. Excellent stuff!

Review by dandyboy on 16 Aug 2013 (Rating: 3)

Great presentation and good music but far too difficult for my liking ... !!!

The droids are invulnerable and movements resent a little from oversized graphics ...

I was expecting more ...

2,5 / 5 .

Review by Juan F. Ramirez on 12 May 2017 (Rating: 4)

Worthy sequel of a great classic.

The infiltration style continues, this time starring a female ninja in the Dictator's new command centre on top of a mountain infested of giant android guards and fierce pumas. Collect several pieces of a tape and try to escape on a motorbike through the subterranean caverns under the centre. Similar action in an amazing bigger map.

The game has an original feature: it starts when the ninja drops from a hang glider, somehow choosing which part of the command centre you want to land when starting the mission. The rest of the game is basically similar to part 1: graphics, several levels with increasingly difficult tasks, the way to collect objects, the life bar,... the starting tune is not as cool as part 1's, though!

To make it short, if you love Saboteur, you'll love this game.

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 11 Jul 2017 (Rating: 4)

It's like the first capter, only everything is bigger, the enemis swallowed lots of vitamins and became giants,
and the dogs grew too. The map is wider, you can fall through screens and screen, or lose yourself in a system of tunnels. It's maybe slightly more difficult, and there aren't so many differences, aside that you became a woman, but it's still pretty good.

Review by YOR on 23 Feb 2019 (Rating: 2)

Hate to say it, but this is just Saboteur only more expanded and complex and too much for my taste. Within two minutes I came to the conclusion that Saboteur 1 is a much better game game. I got plenty of joy with that but little joy with this. It just felt like the same game only inferior. It shows that sometimes working with the same formula doesn't always work.

Review by toxic on 22 Jan 2021 (Rating: 4)

Saboteur II - simply the second installment of a very well conceived historical game.

Saboteur II is in many ways better than the first. But there is no doubt that the magic of the first time is lost

Anyway it has very interesting touches.
This time the protagonist is a girl!

More difficult and with a great mapping!!

Review by manu on 24 Jan 2021 (Rating: 5)

That ferocious puma has left me drained
of energy. I'll stand for a while to recover a little.
I'm really happy to hear from this one again, one of the best second parts of our beloved Spectrum

Quality and tense fun as you infiltrate the fortress

Review by Xoperatr on 29 Jan 2021 (Rating: 5)

I've made my review of Saboteur! but this second part was waiting for me to praise it.
They already said it all, it's a superb game that take advantage of the strong points of its older brother. Great map, action, graphic environment and plot/mood