
Reviews for Wriggler (#5761)

Review by p13z on 06 Jul 2013 (Rating: 4)

A 1985 maze/platform type game, with the premise of being a maggot competing in a four stage maggot marathon. Indeed.
The animation of the characters in the game is very good. It has a classic early Spectrum look, with big, bold areas of primary colours. The audio is also quintessential Spectrum nostalgia, consisting of little bleeps, and stolen melodies rendered in monotonous BEEPs.
With plenty to explore and interact with, this is a great little game, but a bit simple and slow.

Review by dandyboy on 06 Jul 2013 (Rating: 5)

A nice game full of magic from as early as 1985 ... !!

Games like Wriggler wrote the history of the ZX Spectrum back in the day ...

A brilliant game with smooth game-play and a brilliant presentation .

I cannot help falling in love with this charming little game starring one of the most loveable characters to ever grace the Zx´s screens with its presence .

The game has depth and there is some mystery about it that I really enjoy .

4,5 out of 5 .

Review by spud on 20 Jan 2014 (Rating: 5)

Do you take the risk and go for the skeleton key or do you head straight to the mansion and hope you can figure out which order to unlock the doors?
I've only ever managed to complete it by going for the skeleton key, but you need good luck to avoid the spider on the way down to it, and you need an "extra life game" to make sure you'll reach the finish line. That is hard enough, but doing it the other way (the right way?) must be damn near impossible.

Have you ever managed to keep up with the other contestants in the race to the finish? They're super human.

The graphics are detailed and full of character. The skeletal spider is a real treat as it creeps along the screen dishing out instant death to any maggot that touches it.

Sound is fine. Good title screen music. In game spot effects work well enough. Love the change of pitch the closer to death you get. The clockwork spiders make a satisfying noise.

Let's be frank about this for a moment: This is one of the greatest games on the Spectrum, isn't it?

Review by WhenIWasCruel on 13 Nov 2014 (Rating: 4)

Wicked maze game disguised as race game, between cute and horrific [the giant spider].

Review by Rebelstar Without a Cause on 15 Nov 2014 (Rating: 5)

Any game that can make maggots seem cute must be doing something right. But it's the giant spider that's the star here and still manages to terrify nearly 30 years on.