
Reviews for Chess (#914)

Review by Arjun on 14 Dec 2009 (Rating: 4)

Otherwise known as PSION Chess, this was one of the better chess software on the speccy.

It featured a variety of difficulty levels (although after level 4, it took a fair bit of time to come up with a move), moves list, hints, custom board setup, black & white mode as well as colour, etc.

Well worth a look if you're into chess!

Review by Matt_B on 03 Mar 2010 (Rating: 3)

This was a decent adaptation of the traditional board game released early on in the life of the Spectrum. It later re-appeared as an Interface Two cartridge and found its way into the bundle of games given away with the Spectrum during 1984, so tends to be one of those games that everyone has seen.

It plays a decent enough game at the lowest level to challenge a novice player, and you can select from various levels to give it a bit more thinking time if you're of intermediate standard. The interface is clean and function and it's easy to follow the progress of your games.

There are better Chess games out there for the Spectrum, particularly the excellent Cyrus II, but this wasn't at all bad for its time and still brings back a few fond memories.

Review by dandyboy on 10 Apr 2011 (Rating: 4)

Very elegant and smart chess simulator from Psion -which is my favorite software company of all times-. Re-discover the pleasures of board-chess with this jewel from the early days of the Spectrum.

The most glamorous chess program in my opinion.

Review by YOR on 12 Dec 2021 (Rating: 3)

From one recreational game in Poker to another in Chess, and well what is there to say? It's Chess, and Chess is boring, sorry, not sorry, But saying that it is nicely programmed and put together really well particularly for its age. If you’re an avid player this should provide enough charm for you and if you're looking to learn this might not be a bad place to start.